Risks arising from the lack of movement and lack of exercise
Lack of movement is one of the most important causes of many diseases, especially heart attack and which is also the main cause of obesity and a host of other diseases. And suffer all societies of this problem due to the emergence of factors and most of the well-being carried out what we want to do by pressing the key tools with electricity, for example, and other factors which we are forced by the nature of our work Kalqaud for long periods in front of a computer and other other factors limit the movement and examples many.
But many of us accustomed to this style of life and most likely to be lazy in terms of movement is only by car or other means of transport.
The relationship between physical inactivity and a range of symptoms and diseases are not understood by many people and also do not realize the risks, and this talk does not specify a certain class of problems but because the age starts from a young age, but the results show after that.
Health. Forums you want to publish this report a simple theme for the consequences of physical inactivity and lack of movement:
Diseases of the heart and blood vessels:
The risk of heart disease through lack of movement is very large. Possible through the training and do a moderate movement, modify and reduce the negative consequences such as diabetes, stress Stress, high blood pressure.
Diabetes type 2:
And lack of movement in addition to an increase in weight can cause disease in type 2 diabetes. In this case, the target organs (especially muscle) do not respond to the hormone insulin. Blood sugar levels do not decline.
Disease, type 2 diabetes in addition to disorders in fat burning or modified in the body, high blood pressure and increase in weight (especially in the abdominal area), all of which is called metabolism. Metabolism increases high risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, heart attack and circulatory problems. Often the reasons is the lack of metabolism in the movement.
Disorders and diseases resulting from stress
Diseases resulting from stress often related to lack of movement. Stress alone is not Balkhtir on health, but it is important to be no room for the body to get rid of stress hormones. Movement and sport in reducing the levels of stress hormones adrenaline and noradrenaline in the blood, and promote the production of endorphins (hormone of happiness and comfort).
Tantnj of lack of movement and thus weaken the muscles and lead to the generation which may cause the joints. Muscles strong and Alemtemrna works to protect the joints from overloading, for example, also balance and stability of joints depends on the strength of the muscles. Muscle weakness associated with physical inactivity increases the damage to joints in the long run lead to osteoporosis. And with an increase in weight, there is an over weight on the joints, which also helps to osteoporosis.
Vaginal pain:
Lack of exercise and physical inactivity on long lead material to increase the probability of incidence of back pain. Likelihood ratio sporting injury or any person who is keen to move back pain is 50% less than those who have problems in
Lack of physical activity, especially in children leads to osteoporosis and thus to increase the likelihood of breaking it.
Other injuries:
Lack of movement reduces the power, speed, agility and coordination. And through the movement of the body is accustomed increase the likelihood of various injuries in the body.
Weakened immune systems:
The risk of infectious diseases are very few sports body when compared with the body, which suffers sluggish and I said in the motion.
Other symptoms:
Lack of concentration and memory loss is gradual.