Long and arduous sport (marathon) hurt the heart
Running long distances is very detrimental to the heart muscle, not only when professional athletes, but also at the amateur. This is the result of a study presented at the European Conference on heart disease in Stockholm.
Supervisors on this study, they tested 45 of the runners, aged between 24 and 62 years, who participated in the marathon a long and arduous. Did not have any of the athletes heart problem before the marathon, but all of them have experience in running long distances. After the end of the run, which extended for a distance of 80 km at least, the scientists observed a significant increase in the first Trboninn Troponin I in 96 percent of the participants in the race, and is a substance harmful to the heart muscle. As also noted a decline in cardiac function and degree of six percent.
Participating in marathons and long very hard causing a problem from a medical point says Professor Eckart Fleck of the Heart Institute in Berlin, Germany. He added that we know from previous studies that the marathon is very long when skiers and athletes have a high risk that may cause a lot of times injury Pplerajafan fibrillation, which causes contractions to random and irregular cells in the heart atria. Where the study revealed that the percentage of atrial fibrillation in long-distance runners, according to the survey 12.8 percent, while the ordinary people when it is 0.5 percent.
According to the professor may not fatigue the body sports labor significantly. Sports perfect health are usually three times a week and for a period of 45-60 minutes of exercise at a time.
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