Regular exercise reduces the risk of colds

A new U.S. study offers scientific evidence for speculation of a lot of people about the impact of sport on the common cold: those who practice sport regularly and keep fit, get in the fall and winter is rarely cold, and even if it was cold, the symptoms of common cold is not severe on the body sports.
So that our body and our immune system strong against any cold should be sufficient to move the body for five days a week at least, exercise and movement, at least twenty minutes each time to start sweating the body is simple. These are the results of a study of more than 1000 participants conducted by researchers around the sport and its impact on the common cold and its symptoms.
People who move often, were less likely than a cold injury by 50% compared with people who practiced sports in one day or less per week. Scientists believe that sport is working to stimulate the immune system so it becomes stronger in his defense against bacteria and viruses.
The scientists in their study on the experience with 1002 of people who were between the ages of 18 and 85 years, and that carried out surveillance during the period of time amounted to twelve weeks. In addition to monitoring their movements and regular daily exercise of the movement and sports scientists also study the patterns of their lives and their diet and of whether exposure to one of them filled with tension and periods of stress recently.
Sport and Movement for scientists is a movement and any activity carried out by the body that goes on and twenty minutes of which are increasing in either heart rate and sweating practitioners or increasing the rate of breathing. And business activities that the scientists are inserted cycling, jogging, swimming, walking, climbing stairs and also do housework in the garden or orchard.
Scientists working on the preparation of a statistical table showing the duration of movement and activity and self-assessment to the participants about their health and fitness. Which showed this statistic that the rate of infection caught cold when activists and athletes were 50% less than non-activists, not only this but the symptoms such as cough and stuffy nose and pain was also lower by as much between 30 and 40 percent compared with the participants non-athletes .
Through movement and sports spread immune cells in the body, as researchers explain the reasons for this effect. Even though the animation effect on the body for a few hours only, this also increases the likelihood of discovery of the body to germs and viruses and spending on harmful bacteria. But the scientists also warn against relying also on previous studies of over-exercise and intense training and his wealth of more negative effects on the immune system and increases the likelihood of infection.